On Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 04:26:18PM +0900, torikoshia wrote:
> Yes, calling pg_stat_reset_shared() for all stats types can do what I wanted
> to do.
> But calling it with 6 different parameters seems tiresome and I thought it
> would be convenient to have a parameter to delete all cluster-wide
> statistics at once.
> I may be wrong, but I imagine that it's more common to want to delete all of
> the statistics for an entire cluster rather than just a portion of it.

If more flexibility is wanted in this function, could it be an option
to consider a flavor like pg_stat_reset_shared(text[]), where it is
possible to specify a list of shared stats types to reset?  Perhaps
there are no real use cases for it, just wanted to mention it anyway
regarding the fact that it could have benefits to refactor this code
to use a bitwise operator for its internals with bit flags for each

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