On 12/3/23 10:31, Davin Shearer wrote:
Please be sure to include single and double quotes in the test values since that was the original problem (double quoting in COPY TO breaking the JSON syntax).

test=# copy (select * from foo limit 4) to stdout (format json);
{"id":2456092,"f1":"line with ' in it: 2456092","f2":"2023-12-03T10:44:40.9712-05:00"} {"id":2456093,"f1":"line with \\" in it: 2456093","f2":"2023-12-03T10:44:40.971221-05:00"} {"id":2456094,"f1":"line with ' in it: 2456094","f2":"2023-12-03T10:44:40.971225-05:00"} {"id":2456095,"f1":"line with \\" in it: 2456095","f2":"2023-12-03T10:44:40.971228-05:00"}

Joe Conway
PostgreSQL Contributors Team
RDS Open Source Databases
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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