I found the way that MergeAttributes() handles column compression and storage settings very weird.

For example, I don't understand the purpose of this error:

create table t1 (a int, b text compression pglz);

create table t1a (b text compression lz4) inherits (t1);
ERROR:  42804: column "b" has a compression method conflict
DETAIL:  pglz versus lz4

or this:

create table t2 (a int, b text compression lz4);

create table t12 () inherits (t1, t2);
ERROR:  column "b" has a compression method conflict
DETAIL:  pglz versus lz4

And we can't override it in the child, per the first example.

But this works:

create table t1a (a int, b text compression lz4);
alter table t1a inherit t1;

Also, you can change the settings in the child using ALTER TABLE ... SET COMPRESSION (which is also how pg_dump will represent the above constructions), so the restrictions at CREATE TABLE time don't seem to make much sense.

Looking at the code, I suspect these rules were just sort of copy-and-pasted from the nearby rules for types and collations. The latter are needed so that a table with inheritance children can present a logically consistent view of the data. But compression and storage are physical properties that are not logically visible, so every table in an inheritance hierarchy can have their own setting.

I think the rules should be approximately like this (both for compression and storage):

- A newly created child inherits the settings from the parent.
- A newly created child can override the settings.
- Attaching a child changes nothing.
- When inheriting from multiple parents with different settings, an explicit setting in the child is required.


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