On 12/4/23 21:54, Joe Conway wrote:
On 12/4/23 17:55, Davin Shearer wrote:
There are however a few characters that need to be escaped

 1. |"|(double quote)
 2. |\|(backslash)
 3. |/|(forward slash)
 4. |\b|(backspace)
 5. |\f|(form feed)
 6. |\n|(new line)
 7. |\r|(carriage return)
 8. |\t|(horizontal tab)

These characters should be represented in the test cases to see how the escaping behaves and to ensure that the escaping is done properly per JSON requirements.

I can look at adding these as test cases.
So I did a quick check:
with t(f1) as
from t;
 length |     f1      |    row_to_json
      7 | aaa"bbb     | {"f1":"aaa\"bbb"}
      7 | aaa\bbb     | {"f1":"aaa\\bbb"}
      7 | aaa/bbb     | {"f1":"aaa/bbb"}
      7 | aaa\x08bbb  | {"f1":"aaa\bbbb"}
      7 | aaa\x0Cbbb  | {"f1":"aaa\fbbb"}
      7 | aaa        +| {"f1":"aaa\nbbb"}
        | bbb         |
      7 | aaa\rbbb    | {"f1":"aaa\rbbb"}
      7 | aaa     bbb | {"f1":"aaa\tbbb"}
(8 rows)


This is all independent of my patch for COPY TO. If I am reading that correctly, everything matches Davin's table *except* the forward slash ("/"). I defer to the experts on the thread to debate that...

Joe Conway
PostgreSQL Contributors Team
RDS Open Source Databases
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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