On 12/30/23 11:16, Eric Hanson wrote:

What do you think of adding a NO RESET option to the SET ROLE command?

Right now Postgres can enforce data security with roles and RLS, but role-per-end-user doesn't really scale:  Db connections are per-role, so a connection pooler can't share connections across users.  We can work around this with policies that use session variables and checks against current_user, but it seems like role-per end user would be more beautiful.  If SET ROLE had a NO RESET option, you could connect through a connection pooler as a privileged user, but downgrade to the user's role for the duration of the session.


I agree this would be useful.

In the meantime, in case it helps, see


Specifically set_session_auth(text):
When set_session_auth(text) is called, the effective session and current user is switched to the rolename supplied, irrevocably. Unlike set_user() or set_user_u(), it does not affect logging nor allowed statements. If set_user.exit_on_error is "on" (the default), and any error occurs during execution, a FATAL error is thrown and the backend session exits.

Joe Conway
PostgreSQL Contributors Team
RDS Open Source Databases
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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