Thanks for the review!

On Sat, Jan 6, 2024 at 2:36 AM Robert Haas <> wrote:

> Richard, I think it could be useful to put a better commit message
> into the patch file, describing both what problem is being fixed and
> what the design of the fix is. I gather that the problem is that we
> crash if the query contains a partioningwise join and also $SOMETHING,
> and the solution is to move reparameterization to happen at
> createplan() time but with a precheck that runs during path
> generation. Presumably, that means this is more than a minimal bug
> fix, because the bug could be fixed without splitting
> can-it-be-reparameterized to reparameterize-it in this way. Probably
> that's a performance optimization, so maybe it's worth clarifying
> whether that's just an independently good idea or whether it's a part
> of making the bug fix not regress performance.

Thanks for the suggestion.  Attached is an updated patch which is added
with a commit message that tries to explain the problem and the fix.

I think the macro names in path_is_reparameterizable_by_child could be
> better chosen. CHILD_PATH_IS_REPARAMETERIZABLE doesn't convey that the
> macro will return from the calling function if not -- it looks like it
> just returns a Boolean. Maybe REJECT_IF_PATH_NOT_REPARAMETERIZABLE and


> Another question here is whether we really want to back-patch all of
> this or whether it might be better to, as Tom proposed previously,
> back-patch a more minimal fix and leave the more invasive stuff for
> master.

Fair point.  I think we can back-patch a more minimal fix, as Tom
proposed in [1], which disallows the reparameterization if the path
contains sampling info that references the outer rel.  But I think we
need also to disallow the reparameterization of a path if it contains
restriction clauses that reference the outer rel, as such paths have
been found to cause incorrect results, or planning errors as in [2].



Attachment: v9-0001-Postpone-reparameterization-of-paths-until-when-creating-plans.patch
Description: Binary data

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