On 19.01.24 11:08, Matthias Kuhn wrote:
When trying to build with meson, including the patch which was provided by Andres Freud (thanks),
I am currently stuck with the following error:

Configuring pg_config_ext.h using configuration

../src/tgresql-16-685bc9fc97.clean/src/include/meson.build:12:0: ERROR: File port/android.h does not exist.

I think there is actually small bug in the meson setup.

In the top-level meson.build, line 166 has

    portname = host_system

but then later around line 190, host_system is changed for some cases (including the android case that was added in the proposed patch). So that won't work, and probably also won't work for the existing cases there. The portname assignment needs to be moved later in the file. Maybe you can try that on your own.

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