On 18/01/2024 5:57 pm, Tomas Vondra wrote:
On 1/16/24 21:10, Konstantin Knizhnik wrote:

4. I think that performing prefetch at executor level is really great
idea and so prefetch can be used by all indexes, including custom
indexes. But prefetch will be efficient only if index can provide fast
access to next TID (located at the same page). I am not sure that it is
true for all builtin indexes (GIN, GIST, BRIN,...) and especially for
custom AM. I wonder if we should extend AM API to make index make a
decision weather to perform prefetch of TIDs or not.
I'm not against having a flag to enable/disable prefetching, but the
question is whether doing prefetching for such indexes can be harmful.
I'm not sure about that.
I tend to agree with you - it is hard to imagine index implementation
which doesn't win from prefetching heap pages.
May be only the filtering case you have mentioned. But it seems to me
that current B-Tree index scan (not IOS) implementation in Postgres
doesn't try to use index tuple to check extra condition - it will fetch
heap tuple in any case.

That's true, but that's why I started working on this:


I need to think about how to combine that with the prefetching. The good
thing is that both changes require fetching TIDs, not slots. I think the
condition can be simply added to the prefetch callback.


Looks like I was not true, even if it is not index-only scan but index condition involves only index attributes, then heap is not accessed until we find tuple satisfying search condition. Inclusive index case described above (https://commitfest.postgresql.org/46/4352/) is interesting but IMHO exotic case. If keys are actually used in search, then why not to create normal compound index instead?

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