
> I find heapam_relation_copy_data() and index_copy_data() have the following 
> code:
>         dstrel = smgropen(*newrlocator, rel->rd_backend);
>         ...
>         RelationCreateStorage(*newrlocator, rel->rd_rel->relpersistence, 
> true);
> The smgropen() is also called by RelationCreateStorage(), why should we call
> smgropen() explicitly here?
> I try to remove the smgropen(), and all tests passed.

That's a very good question. Note that the second argument of
smgropen() used to create dstrel changes after applying your patch.
I'm not 100% sure whether this is significant or not.

I added your patch to the nearest open commitfest so that we will not lose it:


Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

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