On Tue, 30 Jan 2024 at 12:47, Aleksander Alekseev
<aleksan...@timescale.com> wrote:
> Maybe I'm missing something but I'm not sure if I understand what this
> test tests particularly:
> ```
> -- There should be no triple duplicates in 1000 full-range 32-bit random()
> -- values.  (Each of the C(1000, 3) choices of triplets from the 1000 values
> -- has a probability of 1/(2^32)^2 of being a triple duplicate, so the
> -- average number of triple duplicates is 1000 * 999 * 998 / 6 / 2^64, which
> -- is roughly 9e-12.)
> SELECT r, count(*)
> FROM (SELECT random(-2147483648, 2147483647) r
>       FROM generate_series(1, 1000)) ss
> GROUP BY r HAVING count(*) > 2;
> ```
> The intent seems to be to check the fact that random numbers are
> distributed evenly. If this is the case I think the test is wrong. The
> sequence of numbers 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 is as random as 99, 8, 4,
> 12, 45 and every particular sequence has low probability. All in all
> personally I would argue that this is a meaningless test that just
> fails with a low probability. Same for the tests that follow below.

I'm following the same approach used to test the existing random
functions, and the idea is the same. For example, this existing test:

-- There should be no duplicates in 1000 random() values.
-- (Assuming 52 random bits in the float8 results, we could
-- take as many as 3000 values and still have less than 1e-9 chance
-- of failure, per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem)
SELECT r, count(*)
FROM (SELECT random() r FROM generate_series(1, 1000)) ss
GROUP BY r HAVING count(*) > 1;

If the underlying PRNG were non-uniform, or the method of reduction to
the required range was flawed in some way that reduced the number of
actual possible return values, then the probability of duplicates
would be increased. A non-uniform distribution would probably be
caught by the KS tests, but uniform gaps in the possible outputs might
not be, so I think this test still has value.

> The proper way of testing PRNG would be to call setseed() and compare
> return values with expected ones. I don't mind testing the proposed
> invariants but they should do this after calling setseed(). Currently
> the patch places the tests right before the call.

There are also new tests of that nature, following the call to
setseed(0.5). They're useful for a quick visual check of the results,
and confirming the expected number of digits after the decimal point
in the numeric case. However, I think those tests are insufficient on
their own.


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