Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
> On 06.02.24 16:14, Tom Lane wrote:
>> +1 for the general idea, but it seems like "row type equality"
>> might still be a slightly fuzzy concept.

> I did another pass across the callers to check what pg_attribute fields 
> might be relevant.

> Collation definitely needs to be added, certainly for plancache.c, maybe 
> for typcache.c, the other callers don't care.


> Record types can have attisdropped fields, so it's probably good to 
> check those.

Yeah, good idea.  (In most cases the attname comparison would catch
that, but we shouldn't rely on it.)  In a perfect world maybe a
dropped column should be invisible to this comparison, but we're
a very long way from being able to treat it that way.

> I'm suspicious about attndims.  Maybe one could create a test case where 
> record types differ only in that.  Support for attndims throughout the 
> system is weak, but maybe there is something to check there.

There was a discussion last year[1] about removing attndims
altogether, which still seems to me like possibly a good idea.
So I doubt we want to consider it as a core semantic field.

> On a conceptual level, I figured pg_attribute rows can be divided up 
> into three categories:

> 1. "row type" stuff: attname, atttypid, atttypmod, attndims, 
> attisdropped, attcollation

> 2. physical layout stuff: attlen, attcacheoff, attbyval, attalign

I recall some discussion about taking attcacheoff out of this data
structure too ...

> 3. table metadata stuff (everything else)

> It's not perfect, and sometimes it's not clear whether these categories 
> inform the implementation or the other way around, but I think it helps 
> conceptualize it.


                        regards, tom lane


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