On 22.03.24 01:35, Paul Jungwirth wrote:
> 1. In ri_triggers.c ri_KeysEqual, you swap the order of arguments to ri_AttributesEqual():
> -           if (!ri_AttributesEqual(riinfo->ff_eq_oprs[i], RIAttType(rel, attnums[i]),
 > -                                   oldvalue, newvalue))
 > +           if (!ri_AttributesEqual(eq_opr, RIAttType(rel, attnums[i]),
 > +                                   newvalue, oldvalue))
> But the declared arguments of ri_AttributesEqual() are oldvalue and newvalue, so passing them
 > backwards is really confusing.  And the change does matter in the tests.
 > Can we organize this better?

I renamed the params and actually the whole function. All it's doing is execute `oldvalue op newvalue`, casting if necessary. So I changed it to ri_CompareWithCast and added some documentation. In an earlier version of this patch I had a separate function for the PERIOD comparison, but it's just doing the same thing, so I think the best thing is to give the function a more accurate name and use it.

Ok, I see now, and the new explanation is better.

But after reading the comment in the function about collations, I think there could be trouble. As long as we are only comparing for equality (and we don't support nondeterministic global collations), then we can use any collation to compare for equality. But if we are doing contained-by, then the collation does matter, so we would need to get the actual collation somehow. So as written, this might not always work correctly.

I think it would be safer for now if we just kept using the equality operation even for temporal foreign keys. If we did that, then in the case that you update a key to a new value that is contained by the old value, this function would say "not equal" and fire all the checks, even though it wouldn't need to. This is kind of similar to the "false negatives" that the comment already talks about.

What do you think?

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