On Sun, Mar 24, 2024 at 5:49 AM ShadowGhost <violin05082...@gmail.com>

> Cast_jsonb_to_hstore WIP
> v1
> This extension add function that can cast jsonb to hstore.
> That link to my github where does my extension lie
> https://github.com/antuanviolin/cast_jsonb_to_hstore

If you are intending to submit this to the project you need to follow the
correct procedures.


Otherwise, this is not the correct place to be promoting your extension.

David J.

p.s. I would advise that including the whole bit about jsonb and hstore in
the email subject line (if you resubmit in a proper format) instead of only
in the body of the email.  Subject lines are very important on a mailing
list such as this and should be fairly precise - not just the word

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