On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 3:21 PM Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 4:42 PM Dmitry Koval <d.ko...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:
> > Thanks for comments and advice!
> > I thought about this problem and discussed about it with colleagues.
> > Unfortunately, I don't know of a good general solution.
> Yeah, me neither.
> > But for specific situation like this (certain partition is not changing)
> > we can add CONCURRENTLY modifier.
> > Our DDL query can be like
> >
> >
> > With CONCURRENTLY modifier we can lock partitioned table in
> > ShareUpdateExclusiveLock mode and split partition - in
> > AccessExclusiveLock mode. So we don't lock partitioned table in
> > AccessExclusiveLock mode and can modify other partitions during SPLIT
> > operation (except split partition).
> > If smb try to modify split partition, he will receive error "relation
> > does not exist" at end of operation (because split partition will be drop).
> I think that a built-in DDL command can't really assume that the user
> won't modify anything. You'd have to take a ShareLock.
> But you might be able to have a CONCURRENTLY variant of the command
> that does the same kind of multi-transaction thing as, e.g., CREATE
> INDEX CONCURRENTLY. You would probably have to be quite careful about
> race conditions (e.g. you commit the first transaction and before you
> start the second one, someone drops or detaches the partition you were
> planning to merge or split). Might take some thought, but feels
> possibly doable. I've never been excited enough about this kind of
> thing to want to put a lot of energy into engineering it, because
> doing it "manually" feels so much nicer to me, and doubly so given
> does seem like a thing some people would probably use and value.

Currently people are using external tools to implement this kind of
task.  However, having this functionality in core would be great.
Implementing concurrent merge/split seems quite a difficult task,
which needs careful design.  It might be too hard to carry around the
syntax altogether.  So, I think having basic syntax in-core is a good
step forward.  But I think we need a clear notice in the documentation
about the concurrency to avoid wrong user expectations.

Alexander Korotkov

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