Peter Eisentraut:
On 31.03.24 15:34, wrote:
I'd rather adapt one of the existing tasks, to avoid increasing CI costs unduly.

I looked into this and I think the only task that could be changed is the SanityCheck.

I think SanityCheck should run a simple, "average" environment, like the current Debian one.  Otherwise, niche problems with musl or multi-arch or whatever will throw off the entire build pipeline.

All the errors/problems I have seen so far, while setting up the buildfarm animal on Alpine Linux, have been way beyond what SanityCheck does. Problems only appeared in the tests suites, of which sanity check only runs *very* basic ones. I don't have much experience with the "cross" setup, that "musl on debian" essentially is, though.

All those things are certainly out of scope for CI - they are tested in the build farm instead.

I do agree: SanityCheck doesn't feel like the right place to put this. But on the other side.. if it really fails to *build* with musl, then it shouldn't make a difference whether you will be notified about that immediately or later in the CI pipeline. It certainly needs the fewest additional resources to put it there.

I'm not sure what Andres meant with "adopting one of the existing tasks". It could fit as another step into the "Linux - Debian Bullseye - Autoconf" task, too. A bit similar to how the meson task build for 32 and 64bit. This would still not be an entirely new task like I proposed initially (to run in Docker).



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