On Mon, 8 Apr 2024 at 23:56, Robins Tharakan <thara...@gmail.com> wrote:
> #3  0x000000000083ed84 in WaitLatch (latch=<optimized out>, 
> wakeEvents=wakeEvents@entry=41, timeout=600000, 
> wait_event_info=wait_event_info@entry=150994946) at latch.c:538
> #4  0x0000000000907404 in pg_sleep (fcinfo=<optimized out>) at misc.c:406

> #17 0x000000000086a944 in exec_simple_query 
> (query_string=query_string@entry=0x28171c90 "SELECT pg_sleep(0.1);") at 
> postgres.c:1274

I have no idea why WaitLatch has timeout=600000.  That should be no
higher than timeout=100 for "SELECT pg_sleep(0.1);".  I have no
theories aside from a failing RAM module, cosmic ray or a well-timed
clock change between the first call to gettimeofday() in pg_sleep()
and the next one.

I know this animal is running debug_parallel_query = regress, so that
0.1 Const did have to get serialized and copied to the worker, so
there's another opportunity for the sleep duration to be stomped on,
but that seems pretty unlikely.

I can't think of a reason why the erroneous  reltuples=48 would be
consistent over 2 failing runs if it were failing RAM or a cosmic ray.

Still no partition_prune failures on master since the compiler version
change.  There has been one [1] in REL_16_STABLE. I'm thinking it
might be worth backpatching the partition_prune debug to REL_16_STABLE
to see if we can learn anything new from it.



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