On 4/10/24 09:19, Robert Haas wrote:
When you commit a patch and another committer writes a post-commit
review saying that your patch has so many serious problems that he
gave up on reviewing before enumerating all of them, that's a really
bad sign. That should be a strong signal to you to step back and take
a close look at whether you really understand the area of the code
that you're touching well enough to be doing whatever it is that
you're doing. If I got a review like that, I would have reverted the
patch instantly, given up for the release cycle, possibly given up on
the patch permanently, and most definitely not tried again to commit
unless I was absolutely certain that I'd learned a lot in the meantime
*and* had the agreement of the committer who wrote that review (or
maybe some other committer who was acknowledged as an expert in that
area of the code).


It's not Andres's job to make sure my patches are not broken. It's my
job. That applies to the patches I write, and the patches written by
other people that I commit. If I commit something and it turns out
that it is broken, that's my bad. If I commit something and it turns
out that it does not have consensus, that is also my bad. It is not
the fault of the other people for not helping me get my patches to a
state where they are up to project standard. It is my fault, and my
fault alone, for committing something that was not ready. Now that
does not mean that it isn't frustrating when I can't get the help I
need. It is extremely frustrating. But the solution is not to commit
anyway and then blame the other people for not providing feedback.


Joe Conway
PostgreSQL Contributors Team
RDS Open Source Databases
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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