On Thu, Apr 11, 2024 at 03:54:07PM -0400, Corey Huinker wrote:
> At the request of a few people, attached is an attempt to move stats to
> DATA/POST-DATA, and the TAP test failure that results from that.
> The relevant errors are confusing, in that they all concern GRANT/REVOKE,
> and the fact that I made no changes to the TAP test itself.
> $ grep 'not ok' build/meson-logs/testlog.txt
> not ok 9347 - section_data: should not dump GRANT INSERT(col1) ON TABLE
> test_second_table

It looks like the problem is that the ACLs are getting dumped in the data
section when we are also dumping stats.  I'm able to get the tests to pass
by moving the call to dumpRelationStats() that's in dumpTableSchema() to
dumpTableData().  I'm not entirely sure why that fixes it yet, but if we're
treating stats as data, then it intuitively makes sense for us to dump it
in dumpTableData().  However, that seems to prevent the stats from getting
exported in the --schema-only/--binary-upgrade scenario, which presents a
problem for pg_upgrade.  ISTM we'll need some extra hacks to get this to
work as desired.

Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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