
Thank you for working on this!

On Wed, 1 May 2024 at 06:37, Masahiko Sawada <sawada.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for further testing! I've pushed the patch.

I realized a behaviour change while looking at 'Use pgBufferUsage for
block reporting in analyze' thread [1]. Since that change applies here
as well, I thought it is better to mention it here.

Before this commit, VacuumPageMiss did not count the blocks if its
read was already completed by other backends [2]. Now,
'pgBufferUsage.local_blks_read + pgBufferUsage.shared_blks_read'
counts every block attempted to be read; possibly double counting if
someone else has already completed the read. I do not know which
behaviour is correct but I wanted to mention this.


[2] In the WaitReadBuffers() function, see comment:
         * Skip this block if someone else has already completed it.  If an
         * I/O is already in progress in another backend, this will wait for
         * the outcome: either done, or something went wrong and we will
         * retry.

Nazir Bilal Yavuz

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