On Sun, 16 Sep 2018 at 14:41, Heikki Linnakangas <hlinn...@iki.fi> wrote:

> On 14/09/18 18:49, Dave Cramer wrote:
> > in src/test/ssl the README suggest that the Makefile can be used to
> > recreate the ssl directory, however there are no rules to create
> > *_ca.crt|key. Am I missing something ?
> The README says:
> > For convenience, all of these keypairs and certificates are included in
> the
> > ssl/ subdirectory. The Makefile also contains a rule, "make sslfiles", to
> > recreate them if you need to make changes.
> I just tested it again, and sure enough "make sslfiles" recreates them.
> You'll need to remove the old ones first, though, with "make
> sslfiles-clean" or just "rm ssl/*". As usual with "make", it won't
> recreate and overwrite existing files, if they already exist.

Ya I jumped the gun on this one. Once sorry for the noise

Dave Cramer

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