On 31.08.21 16:48, Denis Hirn wrote:
The documentation was not up to date anymore with the most recent changes.
This version of the patch fixes that.

I studied up on the theory and terminology being discussed here. I conclude that what the latest version of this patch is doing (allowing multiple recursive references, but only in a linear-recursion way) is sound and useful.

I haven't looked closely at the implementation changes yet. I'm not very familiar with that part of the code, so it will take a bit longer. Perhaps you could explain what you are doing there, either in email or (even better) in the commit message.

What I think this patch needs is a lot more test cases. I would like to see more variants of different nestings of the UNION branches, some mixtures of UNION ALL and UNION DISTINCT, joins of the recursive CTE with regular tables (like in the flights-and-trains examples), as well as various cases of what is not allowed, namely showing that it can carefully prohibit non-linear recursion. Also, in one instance you modify an existing test case. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it would be better to leave the existing test case alone and write a new one.

You also introduce this concept of reshuffling the UNION branches to collect all the recursive terms under one subtree. That could use more testing, like combinations like nonrec UNION rec UNION nonrec UNION rec etc. Also, currently a query like this works

    VALUES (1)
    SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100
SELECT sum(n) FROM t;

but this doesn't:

    SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100
    VALUES (1)
SELECT sum(n) FROM t;

With your patch, the second should also work, so let's show some tests for that as well.

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