A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce Momjian) wrote:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> Jan Wieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > As a matter of fact, people who have performance problems are likely to 
>> > be the same who have upgrade problems. And as Gaetano pointed out 
>> > correctly, we will see wildforms with one or the other feature applied.
>> I'd believe that for patches of the size of my original VACUUM-delay
>> hack (or even a production-grade version of same, which'd probably be
>> 10x larger).  The kind of wholesale rewrite you are currently proposing
>> is much too large to consider folding back into 7.4.*, IMHO.
> What Jan could do is to have a 7.4 patch available that people can test,
> and he can improve it during the 7.5 development cycle with feedback
> from users.

The thing is, there are two patches that seem likely to be of

 a) There's the ARC changes, which really feel like they are 7.5
    development, not likely to be readily backportable;

 b) On the other hand, a "simple delay" on the VACUUM seems likely
    to be useful, and reasonably backportable.

And these are two quite different things, both of which may be worth
wm(X,Y):-write(X),write('@'),write(Y). wm('cbbrowne','acm.org').
If I could put Klein in a bottle...

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