Tom Lane wrote:
> (It might be good if we had a more standardized way of generating
> HISTORY though.  I tried a couple different versions of lynx and
> got a couple different outputs, none perfectly matching whatever
> version Bruce is using ...)

There lies the problem.  Making these text files is still guesswork 
and/or manual polishing, because the tools always change and no one 
tool works well on at least HISTORY and INSTALL at the same time.  The 
HISTORY generatation has a makefile rule that appears to work well for 
Bruce, but I actually wrote it to work on my machine, but now I get the 
same problem that you state.  For INSTALL, lynx gives terrible results, 
and for the past few releases I've been using a tool named html2txt, 
but that still requires manual cleanup.  In short, automatic generation 
of text files that works every time is still an open problem.

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