On Thursday 26 February 2004 10:07, Gavin Sherry wrote:
> which will result in something like '/var/123443' is a bad idea. Then
> again, the user should know better. Comments?

The LOCATION should have the same owner and permissions as $PGDATA - that 
should catch mistyping.

Unless you're running as root, of course. In which case you clearly know 
better than everyone else, so off you go!

> Comments? Questions? Suggestions?

Presumably I'm using this to deal with performance/space issues, so there 
clearly needs to be something in the pg_stat_xxx system to show figures based 
on tablespace - not sure what you'd measure though - disk I/O, number of 

Perhaps something in contrib/ too - tablespace_disk_usage.pl or some such.
  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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