On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 10:49:46AM -0800, Josh Berkus wrote:
> Not sure.   Depends on what the leads of the associated projects think.   
> Obviously, if everyone's dead set against it, we won't do it.

I for one am willing to try this in the near term.  I've got an external
domain (pqxx.tk) pointing to the libpqxx page on GBorg, and moving it over
to a new URL is child's play.  My main worry is transition management:

 - How will mailing list subscribers be affected?
 - How will CVS users be affected?
 - Can the mailing list archives be moved over?
 - Where will my old bug reports and corresponding discussions go?
 - Can FAQ entries be copied over automatically?
 - Is there a way of migrating these services one by one?

If it takes some scripting and/or programming to do some of this, I'm
willing to help insofar as I have time.


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