Thanks for the reply!!  Having some issues due to nulls….  Any other thoughts?

i=# ALTER TABLE granule_file ADD PRIMARY KEY (granule_uuid, file_id);

ERROR:  column "granule_uuid" contains null values

From: Matheus de Oliveira <>
Date: Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at 11:36 AM
To: "Wilson, Maria Louise (LARC-E301)[RSES]" <>
Cc: Frits Hoogland <>, 
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Need help with performance tuning pg12 on linux

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of NASA.  Please take care when 
clicking links or opening attachments.  Use the "Report Message" button to 
report suspicious messages to the NASA SOC.

               ->  Hash Join  (cost=644250.54..10734700.30 rows=22333224 
width=223) (actual time=7864.023..44546.392 rows=22325462 loops=1)
                     Hash Cond: (<> = 
                     Buffers: shared hit=780882 read=8345236
                     ->  Seq Scan on file file_1  (cost=0.00..9205050.88 
rows=22068888 width=207) (actual time=402.706..25222.525 rows=22057988 loops=1)
                           Buffers: shared hit=639126 read=8345236
                     ->  Hash  (cost=365085.24..365085.24 rows=22333224 
width=20) (actual time=7288.228..7288.235 rows=22325462 loops=1)
                           Buckets: 33554432  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 
                           Buffers: shared hit=141753
                           ->  Seq Scan on granule_file granule_file_1  
(cost=0.00..365085.24 rows=22333224 width=20) (actual time=0.030..2151.380 
rows=22325462 loops=1)
                                 Buffers: shared hit=141753

This part above is the most expensive so far, and taking a look at your 
`granule_file` table on the first message, it has no indexes nor constraints, 
which certainly looks like a mistake. I'd start optimizing this, you could add 
an index on it, but seems that you need a primary key on both columns of this 
(junction?) table:

    ALTER TABLE granule_file ADD PRIMARY KEY (granule_uuid, file_id);

There are certainly more things to optimize on this query, but I prefer doing 
one thing at a time. Could you try with the PK and send the EXPLAIN ANALYZE of 
the query again after that?

Best regards,
Matheus de Oliveira

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