"Medi Montaseri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> More specifically, I am using HTML, Perl and PG. So from the HTML point of
> view a textfield is just some strings. So my user would enter 12345 but
> expressed in UTF8. Perl would get this and use DBI to insert it into PG

> What I am experiencing now is that DB errors that I am trying to insert an
> incorrect data into column "cost" which is numeric and the data is coming in
> from HTML in UTF8

> Mybe I have to convert it to ASCII numbers in Perl before inserting  them
> into PG

Uh, there is *no* difference between the ASCII and UTF8 representations
of decimal digits, nor of any other character that would be allowed in
input for a decimal field.  I can't tell what your problem really is,
but you have certainly misunderstood or misexplained it.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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