Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53866&edit=1

 ID:                 53866
 Updated by:         fel...@php.net
 Reported by:        marcin dot babij at nasza-klasa dot pl
 Summary:            Zend engine's hashtable performance tweaks
-Status:             Open
+Status:             Assigned
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
-Package:            Arrays related
+Package:            Scripting Engine problem
 PHP Version:        trunk-SVN-2011-01-28 (SVN)
-Assigned To:        
+Assigned To:        dmitry
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

Previous Comments:
[2011-01-28 13:27:48] marcin dot babij at nasza-klasa dot pl

What was done:

- Hash function in zend_hash.h was rebuilt and became much faster,
without losing the most important properties.

- Hashtable implementation was changed from Simple chaining to Open
addressing with linear probing, but with linked bucket, not included in
hash array, which causes:

-- Bucket structure to lose 2 pointers.

-- Searching works similar, but don't have to jump with pointers stored
in different memory locations, inserting, deleting and rehashing don't
need to update linked list, but must search for first empty bucket,
which is fast, because it scans continuous memory.

-- Load factor decreases from 1.0 to 0.5-0.75 to make less collisions
and faster hashtable, which in turn increases memory footprint a

- Open addressing doesn't change significantly performance, but next
thing was to create new array (arEmpty), which is of size nTableSize
bytes, which keeps track of used/empty buckets and makes inserting and
rehashing much faster. In future it can be tested as bit-array with size
of nTableSize/8 bytes.

- More macros were added to replace repetitive constructs.

- New constants were added to allow:

-- Creating new hashtables of size at least X (where 4 and 8 are
reasonable), which makes no rehashing and reallocing memory while
changing size to 2 and then to 4.

-- For small tables it's better to extend them by a factor of 4 times,
not 2, to make rehashing cost smaller for most hashtables, of cost of
little higher memory consumption.

-- For large tables it's better to have other load factor, closer to 1,
while for small tables it's better to use load factor closer to 0.5.

What should be done:

should be changed and html_tables.h regenerated, but this will need to
rewrite hashtable engine from C to PHP

- APC should be fixed

What can be done:

- Make new constants configurable by php.ini.

- Test if changing arEmpty from byte-array to bit-array helps on

- Tweak default constants' values using some real-live benchmarks.

- Prove (or modify and prove) hash function to have property, that it
has no collisions if two keys don't differ on no more than 6 bytes,
which will lead to memcmp omit first (or last) 6 bytes of key. Also
simpler thing may be proven, that is it has no collisions if two keys
are not longer than 6 bytes, which will make most string keys omit
memcpy at all.


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53866&edit=1

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