On Tuesday 28 August 2001 16:21, Todd Cary wrote:
> Many thanks for your answer!  However, I have one additional request:
> how to compile PHP under Linux 7.1?  As I said previously, Linux/Unix
> is new to me and it has been quite a few years since I did any
> programming with "C/C++" - Delphi has been my mainstay for my
> clients.
> Could you share with me the steps in compiling programs under Linux? 
> This might force me to brush the dust off of those "C" books on my
> shelf!!
> Todd

to compile an app, of course you'll need a compiler, dev libraries, etc
usually your distro should have rpms of these.

you do not really have to be root to do this, you only need write 
access to the directory where you unpack the sources.
To actually install php later, however root is necessary

1. get the source of the lasted php:
http://php.net/downloads.php or quicker:

go to a directory where you want to unpack this file, and untar it:
e.g. cd /usr/src
tar xzf php-4.0.6.tar.gz

then go into the newly created directory (cd php-4.0.6) and run the 
following commands in this order: (/opt/interbase may be different for 
you, check)

./configure --with-interbase=/opt/interbase --with-apxs
(this will take a few minutes)
(then, become root (if you are not), because you will actually install 
php now.)
make install

basically that's it!

the php module dor apache is now in usr/lib/apache/libphp4.so (at least 
on my SuSE7.2) and interbase is included.
Now just check your php.ini and your httpd.conf

Well, on my system that's it, hopefully on yours aswell, if not drop a 

good luck,


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