a)  What kind of database is this?
b)  use fstat() to check the modification time on a specific file.
c)  You will have to modify permissions so that the user your web server
runs as has 'read' permission on the file if you want to use fstat().

Justin Buist
Trident Technology, Inc.
4700 60th St. SW, Suite 102
Grand Rapids, MI  49512
Ph. 616.554.2700
Fx. 616.554.3331
Mo. 616.291.2612

On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Jay Paulson wrote:

> I have a problem... I want to check the last modified time that a file was
> changed/updated.  Actually, it's an employee database that I'm working on
> and I thought about just checking the last modified date on the file that
> the information was stored on.  However, I get a permission denied error and
> I don't want to change the permissions of the file.  Is there an easy way to
> check to see when the last time anyone logged in and updated their
> 'employee' information?
> Thanks,
> jay
> --
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