Hi Jelle,

----- Original Message -----
I have recently installed an apache server, PhP4 and MySql on my win2000 machine (I 
know, I should be running
linux; That will have to come with time). But now I am trying to learn PhP - MySQL. 
When running the script
below I get the error message:

Parse error: parse error in c:\phpdev\www\public\test2.php on line 25

Is there anybody who knows what the problem might be? I think is in the result display 
part, considering how
things run properly when I leave it out. Hopefully you ca get me going, since I do not 
know what I am doing

Thanks for the help,



$db = mysql_connect($host)
  or die ("verbinding maken met de server is mislukt");
Echo "gefeliciteerd, de verbinding is tot stand gebracht, de handle is $db";

  @mysql_select_db($database, $db)
    or die ("Helaas geen verbinding kunnen maken met de database");

$sql_select = "Select * from pet";
$result = mysql_query($sql_select, $db);
if($result) {
  echo "Selectie succesvol";
  while ( $resultaat = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {


=an error message that quotes a line number AFTER the end of the script indicates that 
some entity has been
opened but not closed. In this case curly brackets.

=Various source code formatting conventions exist to try to avoid the situation (that 
we have here) where the
appearance of the source code works to deceive brain and eye. There has been some 
debate in PHP forums about the
'best' way (FWIW my opinion: whatever works=best), and this is an excellent 
illustration of why coding the
opening bracket of a code block this way, may not be "best" way! The code-block 
indentation is not consistent
which further disguises the omission.


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