How to compare Metabase to ODBC or ADODB?


At 06:20 24/12/2001 -0200, Manuel Lemos wrote:
>If you are reading this and do not know what is Metabase, be aware that
>it is PHP database abstraction package for developing truely portable
>database independent functions. Metabase development will complete 3
>years next week. This is a lot of time in the software development
>world. More information available in the usual place:
>Despite my baby son is monopolizing almost all my free time (I am not
>complaining:-) ) I finally made time to clean up Metabase API and
>document a OOP API that is alternative to the Metabase* global functions
>API, so that now you can use Metabase functions using direct calls to
>driver class objects.
>This API has always been available but it was never documented because
>to enable it, I needed to use a syntax that would break under PHP 3.
>Finally I realized that I could use eval() to work around that problem
>and Metabase provides this OOP direct to driver function API preserving
>backwards compatibility to not affect the applications of those that for
>some reason still need to use PHP 3. I know that some people that use
>Metabase still have to use PHP 3 and I simpathize with their
>Anyway, finally OOP fans should have no more excuses for not adopting
>Metabase as their PHP database abstraction of choice.
>If you thought that typing MetabaseQuery($database,"Select * from zbr");
>would make an hell of difference when compared to $db->Query("Select *
>from zbr"); you should please now with Metabase with this symbolic
>Christmas gift.
>Also the performance fanatics should have one less excuse for not using
>Metabase for some so claimed significant overhead that Metabase global
>functions add to driver function calls.
>Soon I will also be adding functions for fetching row data in bulk
>contributed by Lukas Smith that is giving up his own database
>abstraction package for Metabase, contributing to make the best that PHP
>community deserve.
>More innovating developments will follow. Enjoy. :-)
>Merry X-mas,
>Manuel Lemos
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