
Here's what I found on in a very limited search (dated
1/12/04). There is info in there that should provide you with other avenues
of research to clarify your company's responsibility. Here is a relevant

"CAN-SPAM [went into effect Jan 1., 2004] requires that spam e-mail include
a working return e-mail address, a valid postal address for the sending
company, a working opt-out mechanism and a relevant subject line. The law
also directs the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to study setting up a
national do-not-spam list, similar to the national do-not-call telemarketing
list now in effect."

And the relevant link:

So, in a not-so-thorough examination, it does not look like an "opt-in" link
is required. Although, it would seem that the Federal Trade Commission's
website ( should provide additional info for the US.


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:12 AM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] Unsubscribe (mailign lsits in general) question...
> I've been told by my boss, that the law has changed in 
> relation to 'Opt 
> out' options on mailing lists etc...
> she tells me that I have to now change all my forms to conform.
> She claims that now, each time the user must click the 
> 'remain subscribed' 
> link, or we have to remove them from our mailing lists.
> Thus changing opt out, to opt in, EACH TIME?
> Is this true?
> She seems quite sure.
> We deal with both European and US clients (world wide to be 
> honest, but 
> most other countries don'e care about this.. do they?)
> Anyone heard of this before?
> Tris...
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