Most of the PHP solutions I have seeen require the use of session
variables.  You could create an array containing only the unique
identifiers of all the records, and then store it into a session variable.
You would then use another session variable to retain the page size, and
then include the page numbers in the "Next", "Prev", "First", "Last" and
"Absolutr" page links.  Printing is probably best done with dynamically
generated PDF instead of HTML.

-- bob

On Fri, 13 Feb 2004, Karen Resplendo wrote:

> I guess the time has come that my boss wants "Next", "Previous", "First", "Last" 
> paging for our data displays of large recordsets or datasets.
> Any good solutons out there already? I have pieces of a few examples.
> Also, how to deal with printing? I would assume that the ideal page size is not the 
> ideal printed page size. oi vay!
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