Hi John

I have never used MSDE, but from my understanding if is suppose to behave
like SQL Server.  When you installed it, did it mention anything about
whether or not TCP/IP connectivity should be supported? You may need to
ensure that the server is communicating over port 1433.  If you are
unsuccessful with either mssql or odbc, then you should try the odbtp
extension at http://odbtp.sourceforge.net. If you use odbtp, use "(local)"
for the SERVER parameter.

-- bob

On Sun, 22 Feb 2004, John W. Holmes wrote:

> I've downlownded and installed the Desktop Edition of MSSQL and am
> trying to connect to it with PHP. Has anyone ever accomplished this?
> I've uncommented the line in php.ini to load the MSSQL functions and
> they show up on a phpinfo() page, so that part is good.
> When I installed MSDE I tried it without a named instance first and just
> set an SA password.
> Neither of these worked:
> mssql_connect('localhost','sa','password')
> mssql_connect('coconut','sa','password')
> where "coconut" is the name of my computer.
> Then I tried installing MSDE again with a named instance and tried
> mssql_connect('namedinstance\localhost','sa','password')
> mssql_connect('namedinstance\coconut','sa','password')
> and those wouldn't work either. The only response I get is "failed to
> connect to server ..."
> I'm off to try ODBC. Anyone have any suggestions?
> --
> ---John Holmes...
> Amazon Wishlist: www.amazon.com/o/registry/3BEXC84AB3A5E/
> php|architect: The Magazine for PHP Professionals – www.phparch.com
> --
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