You might want to pattern you SELECT statement in this manner:

SELECT * FROM `tablename` WHERE status = 3 OR status = 1

Notice I called the field name explicitly on each side of the OR.

Be sure to check the data type for the date field -- if it is a datetime
stamp or date stamp, it might complain with the use of "like"

You ought to check out:

Mark Cain

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Piggott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PHP DB" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 4:04 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] 'OR' logic in mySQL query

> Am I able to use the OR logic in mySQL queries?
> $query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE date_received LIKE '$todays_date' OR
> '$yesterdays_date' ORDER BY prayer_request_reference ASC";
> In this above example will the " OR '$yesterdays_date' " work?
> In reality I am wanting to preview new entries to the database within the
> past 2 days
> Ron
> --
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