Can we kill this thread?  Or can you guys continue the conversation between
yourselves.  We now have 8 emails pertaining to the technical question, and
8 emails ranting about him asking it.

I understand that some people do not believe this is the appropriate forum
for that question - but personal attacks and rantings accomplish nothing
other than to provide bully tactics and express your outrage at "list
spamming" while spamming the list.

Thank you for your consideration.

- Mike

On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Jim Giner <>

> On 6/18/2014 2:16 PM, Aziz Saleh wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Karl DeSaulniers <>
>> wrote:
>>> Sent from losPhone
>>>  On Jun 18, 2014, at 7:56 AM, Jim Giner <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>  On 6/18/2014 12:31 AM, Ethan Rosenberg, PhD wrote:
>>>>>> On 06/17/2014 12:02 PM, wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Ethan,
>>>>>> Here are some things to clean up your code:
>>>>>> Your line:
>>>>>> $phn = $_POST[phone];
>>>>>> should use quotations as follows:
>>>>>> $phn = $_POST['phone'];
>>>>>> Your line:
>>>>>> $sql1 ='select Lname, Fname from Customers where Phone = $Phn ';
>>>>>> Should use double quotes if you need the variable to be interpreted:
>>>>>> $sql1 ="select Lname, Fname from Customers where Phone = $Phn ";
>>>>>> Lastly, as people have mentioned PDO is probably the best way to go.
>>>>>> Try connecting to your database with PDO. Look on Google for "PDO
>>>>>> prepared statements" and use those instead of the mysql escape string
>>>>>> method.
>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>> -Kevin
>>>>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>>>>> IT WORKS!!!
>>>>> Here is the code -
>>>>> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
>>>>> "";>
>>>>> <html xmlns="";>
>>>>> <html>
>>>>> <?php
>>>>>    $bla = 1;
>>>>> ?>
>>>>>      <head>
>>>>>      </head>
>>>>>          <body>
>>>>>              <div align="center">
>>>>>              <form method="post">
>>>>>              <input type='text' name=phone></input>
>>>>>              <input type='submit'>
>>>>>              <br /><br /><br />
>>>>>              </form>
>>>>>              </div>
>>>>> <?php
>>>>>              error_reporting(-1);
>>>>>              require '/home/ethan/PHP/';
>>>>>              $db = "Store";
>>>>>              $cxn = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password,$db);
>>>>>              $phn = $_POST[phone];
>>>>>              $phn = (string)$phn;
>>>>>              $dsh = '-';
>>>>>              $Phn =
>>>>>  $phn[0].$phn[1].$phn[2].$dsh.$phn[3].$phn[4].$phn[5].$dsh.$
>>> phn[6].$phn[7].$phn[8].$phn[9];
>>>>>              $sql1 ="select Lname, Fname from Customers where Phone =
>>>>> '$Phn' ";
>>>>>              $result1 = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql1);
>>>>>              if(!$result)
>>>>>              {
>>>>> ?>
>>>>>                  <div align="center">
>>>>>                  <strong>No Match Found</strong>
>>>>>                  <br /><br />
>>>>>                  </div>
>>>>> <?php
>>>>>              }
>>>>> ?>
>>>>>              <div align="center">
>>>>>              <table border="4" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="55"
>>>>> rules="all" frame="box">
>>>>>              <tr class='heading'>
>>>>>              <th>Last Name</th>
>>>>>              <th>First Name</th>
>>>>> <?php
>>>>>              while($row1 = mysqli_fetch_row($result1))
>>>>>              {
>>>>>                  $Lname     = $row1[0];
>>>>>                  $Fname     = $row1[1];
>>>>> ?>              <tr>
>>>>>                  <td> <?php echo $Lname; ?> </td>
>>>>>                  <td> <?php echo $Fname; ?> </td>
>>>>>                  </tr>
>>>>> <?php
>>>>>                }
>>>>> ?>
>>>>>                </table>
>>>>>              </div>>
>>>>>          </body>
>>>>> </html>
>>>>> As you [those that replied] accurately noted, the problem was with the
>>>>> quoting.
>>>>> I appreciate all your comments, take them seriously and will use the
>>>>> information contained in them for future programming.
>>>>> No matter how much skill in programming I have, I will remain a NEWBIE;
>>>>> ie, someone who wishes to grrow in knowledge and acknowledges that
>>>>> there
>>>>> are many programmers much more skilled than I.
>>>>> Thanks again.
>>>>> Ethan
>>>> happy to hear you got it working.  Sad to see that you didn't heed the
>>> tips provided to you and alter your code, and that you still have errors
>>> in
>>> it.  oh, well....
>>> Wow. Just wow. I though when I signed up on this list that if I did what
>>> Ethan did I would be shunned from the list. But I guess I was wrong. You
>>> can be an ask hole on here and people will still try and help. Kudos to
>>> the
>>> good souls who try.
>>> Karl
>>> --
>>> PHP Database Mailing List (
>>> To unsubscribe, visit:
>>>  There are lots of people who have free time on their hands to teach the
>> basics, which I think is a good thing. Personally, if someone doesn't care
>> enough to read the manual or attempt to understand the basics, I wouldn't
>> spend too much time on their problems.
>>  And despite Ethan's continual ignorance of the manual and the basic
> principles espoused by those taking the time to respond to him we still do
> it.  Aren't we all amazing?
> --
> PHP Database Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:


"My command is this: Love each other as I
have loved you."                         John 15:12


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