Ok, so I have run down all the possible things (that I know of) that could be 
keeping this from working.
I have checked with my hosting service that:

1. MySQL is accessible with the original user I started with (for this case 
were using db123456) via ssh.
2. The cron is accessing my php script fine.
3. The cron is running the script and is attempting to access MySQL but not 
allowing access still.

I tried running the script via ssh and it is timing out. No error of not 
accessing MySQL, just telling me it is timing out. 
This tells me (I could be wrong) that it is in fact accessing MySQL and that my 
calls to MySQL are making the script time out?
What bothers me is that the cron errors out saying access denied but ssh says 
timeout error.
Does anyone have any ideas for me to try at this point? If I don't get this to 
work in the next couple of days, I am toast!



Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm
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