Hi Dimi,

I think mysql 8 is the new version of mysql. I don't know if there a exists a stable release or only a beta. My thoughts are that the last php-version maybe can handle the mentioned authentication method or you have
to try to compile the handling for the mysql-plugin in the php-mysqldriver.

Maybe the question about enhancing the php is relation on the Linuxdistribution.  Here I mean an additional rpm if you use Redhat, Fedora, Centos, Suse...
or .deb if you use Debian, Ubuntu or such of these.

To mix a tarball with one of these packages I think it is to difficult in this case.


Am 08.09.21 um 15:20 schrieb dimi_php:
Hi Ruprecht,

yes, if a provider not changed the default authentication 
(mysql_nativ_password) there is
nothing customers have to do, because the default authentication on mysql 5.7 
and 10.5 is
the same (SHA-1 based).
Mysql changed this starting from version 8, were the default authentication now 
is the plugin caching_sha2_password.
Mariadb not changed the default, but recommends to use a safer authentication 
method like the ed25519-plugin.

I would like to use it, but then i have the problem that PHP (the Mysql nativ 
driver) cames with an
error like "The server requested authentication method unknown to the client".

So i would be glad if this authentication method would be implemented.


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