On 2/20/01 1:11 AM this was written:

> im making a webdesign website that has a members login, do i have to
> make a member page for each member or can i get the
> info from the database of the person whom logged in and put it on the
> members page

If you create a table in a database that holds the information that you want
to capture for them with the username as the key to the database (no
duplicates) then when they login and they're authenticated. You can pull all
necessary information you want to track on them from the table and create
your page. So, one, physical page for all users.

If you're authenticating via .htaccess you can use the environment variable
"REMOTE_USER" to use as the username to do the select on the db. Something

$user = getenv("REMOTE_USER");
$sql = "Select * from usertable where username = '$user'";

Thomas Deliduka
IT Manager
New Eve Media
The Solution To Your Internet Angst

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