<<Good question.  Are you certain your not misspelling "frequency" when you
check it or try to look at it?  Sorry if that sounds insulting.. just trying
to search for the simplest explaination.  : < >>

No, no. Not insulting at all. That's often my problem. But not in this case.
I even went to the 'trouble' of copying and pasting $frequency wherever I

Original problem:
> Why is it that when I send call this function:
> function GetNextDate($whichfriday, $month = "", $frequency = 1, $basedate
> "")
> with this line:
> GetNextDate("4", "2003-03", "5");
> that $frequency ends up ""? Whether I set it myself when I call the
> function, or I leave it blank and let the function set it itself, it ends
> with nothing in it. empty() returns 1, while isset() returns nothing on
> this.

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