


For Apache




Daniel Perry wrote:
Dear Sir
I require a complete installation package if possible. I am operating
XP Pro, but unfortunately not IIS. The problems that I have experienced
trying to obtain IIS has made me decide to use Apache as my web server
along with PHP and MySQL. Please would you provide a direct link that will allow a complete
installation of the three so that I can begin working on my Website? I
have visited the website and installation page, although a good
advertisement for a complete packageis present there is no way to
download the files.
A second question I have; I have Studio MX (Dreamweaver MX, Flash MX,
Fireworks etc), within a menu there is an option to select PHP pages
(build a PHP page etc) does this mean that I can design my page in
Dreamweaver then as I would have the installation (as above) I could
then view my pages?
Please advise. Thankyou for your time.
Kind regards
Daniel Perry
Innovative Design
Tel: 0210 387 852

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