On Wednesday 26 March 2003 01:43 pm, CPT John W. Holmes wrote:
> > is it possible to have a checkbox that if it is specified to be checked
> > when the page is being formulated then it cannot be unchecked?
> No. No... No.
> If you already know you don't want it to be unchecked, then don't show a
> checkbox. That's why we have PHP, so you can create your page DYNAMICALLY
> and not show bits and pieces when you don't need to.

Although that is theoretically correct, there can be some reason why one would 
want to display a checkbox anyway. Sometimes it can be clearer for the user 
to see the GUI, asthetic reason, etc, etc. 

> There are plenty of JavaScript or other workarounds you can do, but you
> still need to verify _everything_ on the server side and don't accept any
> changed value.

Of course, that's obvious. I see the question from the user interface point of 
view. Functionally, the javascript doesn't do anything, except give the 
original poster what he wants.


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