How come this function works, but the one below does not?? 

        function clearContactVars()
          global $contact_id;                   $contact_id = "";
          global $contact_timestamp;            $contact_timestamp = "";
          global $contact_incept;               $contact_incept = "";
          global $contact_dept_table_id;        $contact_dept_table_id = "";
          global $contact_fname;                $contact_fname = "";
          global $contact_lname;                $contact_lname = "";
          global $contact_title;                $contact_title = "";
          global $contact_phone;                $contact_phone = "";
          global $contact_email;                $contact_email = "";
          global $contact_address1;             $contact_address1 = "";
          global $contact_address2;             $contact_address2 = "";
          global $contact_city;                 $contact_city = "";
          global $contact_state;                $contact_state = "";
          global $contact_zip;                  $contact_zip = "";
          global $contact_country;              $contact_country = "";
          global $contact_notes;                $contact_notes = "";

This one does NOT work the way I would expect it to?

        function clearContactVars()
                foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value) {
                        if ( substr($key,0,8) == "contact_" ) {
                          //echo "GLOBALS['$key'] = $value<br>\n";
                          $GLOBALS['$key'] = "";

(this is located in an require() file and do I even need to do this?):
        function clearPostVars()
                foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
                    //echo "_POST['$key'] = Value: $value<br>\n";
                        $_POST['$key'] = "";

I use these variables on a web page like so:

        <TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><B>Phone:</B></TD>
        <TD><INPUT Name="contact_phone" Value="<?=$contact_phone?>"></TD>

So after a successful insert/update/whatever, I need to clear the fields.

The only other relevant part is that at the top of each page in a require()
file, I have this:

reset ($_POST);
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($_POST)) {
    //echo "$key => $val<br>\n";
        $$key = $val;

But it doesn't make sence to me that the first function does in fact clear
the variables, when the second one does not. I thought that would be even
more direct, since "global $contact_id" from what I read is only a reference
to the global variable named $contact_id. Which in effect should be exactly
$GLOBALS['contact_id'] right?

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