
Is it possible with PHP to check at what quality/compression a JPEG file has
been saved? I.e. I have "dummy.jpg" that I got from somewhere else and I
want to know with what quality it was saved.

The second Note of the User Contributed Notes on the PHP manual regarding
the function imagejpeg (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imagejpeg.php)
mentions such a code, and the user hints that he/she is able to read the
quality of a jpeg, but there is no code given (I have tried contacting the
user but the comment is quite old):
"If you call imagecreatefromjpeg and load a jpeg with 75% quality and output
it with imagejpeg u can specify the new quality for e.g. 90% and u can
increase quality, but output will look like 75% quality picture with the
only difference that the new pic is bigger.

So u should check the source quality before u alter output quality. In most
cases a quality of 75% is sufficient. For previews i use 50%.

But i make a check if source quality is lower than my personal output
quality, i will not chance source quality !

Hope that helps your Webserver and keeps the traffic low :-)"


Juan Antonio

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