> Trying to use
> php_value auto_prepend_file /path/to/file/checkauth.php
> in an .htaccess file.
> I've used this before without problems, however with this instance, I
> keep getting a message in my browser which says:
> Redirection limit for this URL exceeded.  Unable to load the requested
> page.
> my checkauth.php page looks like this
> <?
>       session_start();
>       if (!session_is_registered("SESSION")){
>               header("Location: /error.php?e=2");
>               exit;
>       }
> ?>
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.

error.php is probably being prepended with this file, which will fail
your check and try to redirect to error.php, which will fail your check
and try to redirect to error.php, which will fail your check and try to
redirect to error.php, which will fail your check and try to redirect to
error.php, which will fail your check and try to redirect to error.php,
which will fail your check and try to redirect to error.php, which will
fail your check and try to redirect to error.php, which will fail your
check and try to redirect to error.php, which will fail your check and
try to redirect to error.php, which will fail your check and try to
redirect to error.php, which will fail your check and try to redirect to
error.php, which will fail your check and try to redirect to error.php,
which will fail your check and try to redirect to error.php, which will
fail your check and try to redirect to error.php, which will fail your
check and try to redirect to error.php.... and you'll eventually hit a
limit where your web server or browser will stop. :)

---John W. Holmes...

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