On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, Ben Houlton wrote:

> Now I get a blank page and all the code... that I can think of is the same...
> Look here:
> <HTML>
> <BODY>
> <?php
> $db = mysql_connect("localhost","root");
> mysql_select_db("kangaroo",$db);
> if ($submit) {
> if ($id) {

Do this, to help us and you know your settings:

$info = array('rg'   => ini_get('register_globals'),
              'er'   => ini_get('error_reporting'),
              'de'   => ini_get('display_errors'),
              'id'   => $id,
              'id2'  => $_REQUEST['id'],
              'sub'  => $submit,
              'sub2' => $_REQUEST['submit']);


And now, read this entire page:


As you are not yet understanding what register_globals is and
btw it has nothing to do with the global keyword.  I am guessing
the above will show register_globals off and the variables you
assume exist do not really exist.  Read that manual page
for why, it should explain all of this to you.


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