ok each product could have a category but also a group attatched to it, so
each group red, blue, green has an id so each product is joined to a group
with the primary key of the group like

products.php?productID=1&groupID=1 for red
products.php?productID=1&groupID=2 for blue

etc ...

and for getting categories


etc ..

hope this helps

> Hi all,
> I'm about to start developing the PHP and MySQL coding and designing to
> make a web site with hundreds or maybe thousands of products, which
> will be sold through the Internet (I hope :). The products (most of
> them) have different sizes and/or colors to choose from and each
> selection will have different IDs or codes. Even the same color for two
> different products will have two different IDs.
> My question is about how to design the web site, so for each product
> that is displayed, a different palette of colors (each with it's own
> image) and sizes appear for that item, letting the visitor choose from
> any selection.
> To make myself more clear, anyone who has seen an AVON magazine or has
> a girlfriend who want's to sell this over the Internet should know what
> I'm talking about.
> Thanks in advanced,
> -----------------------
> Cesar Aracena
> http://www.icaam.com.ar
> Cel: +54.299.635-6688
> Tel/Fax: +54.299.477-4532
> Cipolletti, Rio Negro
> R8324BEG
> Argentina
> ---------------------------
> Soluciones profesionales en
> Internet y Comunicaciones
>  http://www.icaam.com.ar
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