

        $parsed = preg_replace("/(\ba\b)/i","<tag>\\1</tag>",$sourcestring);


should do the job.


Am Die, 2003-06-17 um 13.25 schrieb Vincent Bouret:
> Hi,
> I am having this problem with preg_replace. I want the following thing but I
> can't understand what regular expression I should put.
> I want to replace all occurences of a given **whole** word into a string.
> For example:
> I want "A dog jumped over a ladder" to become "<xyz>A</xyz> dog jumped over
> <xyz>a</xyz> ladder".
> I **don't** want: "A dog jumped over a ladder" to become "<xyz>A</xyz> dog
> jumped over <xyz>a</xyz> l<xyz>a</xyz>dder".
> You understand what I mean? I can't do that will str_replace, but I know it
> would be quite easy with preg_replace. Can someone help me?
> Thanks
> Vincent

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