This is already fixed in CVS.  The entire example is bogus, 
it should not be using filesize($filename) either.

Here's what's in CVS (the manual will be rebuilt sometime
in the next week):

$handle = fopen ("";, "rb");
$contents = "";
do {
    $data = fread($handle, 8192);
    if (strlen($data) == 0) {
    $contents .= $data;
} while(true);
fclose ($handle);

And the whole point is to demonstrate the following note:

 "When reading from network streams or pipes, such as those 
  returned when reading remote files or from popen() and 
  proc_open(), reading will stop after a packet is available. 
  This means that you should collect the data together in 
  chunks as shown in the example below."

Have fun :)


On Sun, 6 Jul 2003, Daniele Baroncelli wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am trying to read from a remote file, by using an example reported at the
> manual page for the fread function:
> <?php
> $handle = fopen ("";, "rb");
> $contents = "";
> do {
>     $data = fread ($handle, filesize ($filename));
>     if (strlen($data) == 0) {
>         break;
>     }
>     $contents .= $data;
> }
> fclose ($handle);
> ?>
> Unfortunately this example is incorrect, as it gives me a parse error. The
> mistake should be in the fact that there is a "do" keyword without a
> "while".
> Would anyone suggest me the correct version?
> Cheers
> Daniele
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